February 02, 2007

New Blogger Sucks

I accidentally switched to New Blogger with a couple of careless clicks. Big mistake. I am unable to log in to the new Blogger in any sensible or convenient way. I am unable to migrate back to old Blogger. I am in Google Blogger hell. Google's "help" is anything but. All I get is FAQs, Google searches and no humans. Shame on Google and Blogger.com for making the switch to New Blogger so user-unfriendly and non-functional.

I recall the AOL fiasco over ten years ago, when millions of users were unable to log in to AOL's inadequate servers. The result was a giant class action lawsuit and a huge settlement paid by AOL. Google and Blogger.com, are you listening? Better call your lawyers, you're going to need them.


At 7:49 PM, Blogger Brunch Bird said...

It certainly does reek. I'm fairly certain you probably didn't accidentally switch, even if you think you did. A lot of us this week are finding that they're in effect forcing the switch by saying "one more opportunity to log into old dashboard." The photo upload process is more cumbersome, the interface in general is confusing, and the time stamps are screwed up. I hate it!

At 9:23 PM, Blogger media concepts said...

I thought I switched by accident by typing my login info in the "new blogger" boxes instead of the old (the room was dark). I'd feel a bit better if I didn't do it by mistake. But I guess the problem will be multiplied manyfold when everyone who has not yet migrated will soon be sent to New Blogger involuntarily.

At 1:58 PM, Blogger Beakerz said...

Agreed. I find the new blogger to be quite the annoyance.

At 12:45 PM, Blogger ghetufool said...

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At 12:45 PM, Blogger ghetufool said...

i just posted something on this effect. it's sad google is taking away the joy of blogging from us.


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